The drastically shifting population can put a strain on clinic staffing

"These guys are pretty tough out here, and they will, you know, continue to fish until they can't get out of bed anymore," said James Novotny, nurse practitioner at the clinic. In 1996, Farr broke his foot at Dutch Harbor after dropping an engine on it.Starting Sept.Fishing-industry emergencies at sea can mean significant delays to…

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The unprecedented divestments in two state crown jewels

The unprecedented divestments in two state crown jewels, the makers of the much-glugged Saigon and Hanoi beers, are expected to net as much as $2. Hanoi: Sloshed back at rowdy open-air "bia hoi" day and night, beer is Vietnam's tipple of choice and now its cash-strapped government is drawing on the nation's penchant for lager…

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